Jan Winhall


Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator

Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Certified Focusing Trainer


Personal Statement

I first encountered Focusing twenty five years ago when I was searching for a gentle and embodied way of working with my traumatized clients. I took to it immediately and enrolled in Mary Armstrong’s training program. Focusing touches into the heart of healing and has provided me with a daily practice of my own as well as a profound relational context in which to offer healing experiences for my clients. Over the years I have been part of two Focusing communities and this has been and continues to be a wonderful experience. Creating spaces and relationships built on Focusing practice is amazing.

I am so grateful to have this opportunity. I now enjoy the process of reflecting back on thirty years of experience, engaging in conceptual thinking and developing models that articulate this mysterious thing that we do. I look forward to more time for thinking,writing and living the Focusing Way. I am an Adjunct Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.


Public Contact Details:

telephone: 416.944.8955

email: jan.winhall@utoronto.ca

Languages: English

Professional Details:

Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:

Ontario Association of Professional Social Workers and Social Service Workers
Ontario College of Social Workers

Academic and training qualifications:

Master’s in Social Work, University of Toronto, 1981
Focusing Oriented Therapy Certification, 1995
Focusing Institue Certifying Coordinator, 2003


Therapeutic services:

o  Individual psychotherapy/counselling
o  Individual Focusing sessions (guided Focusing, not ongoing therapy)
o  Couple/Relationship therapy
o  Focusing-Oriented Coaching
o  Group or family therapy

Areas of special interest or advanced training:

Teaching focusing oriented therapists with a particular focus on trauma and addiction
Developing further models for couple therapy
Continuing to develop and write about the Felt Sense Experience Model in working with trauma and addiction
Continuing to grow our focusing community both for focusing trainers and FOT therapists


o I offer training groups to learn Focusing (open to the public)

o I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals)

o  I offer training for organizations and teams

o  Consultation and Supervision for psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors

Details of these and any other services:

The focusing training program involves the completion of six courses over a 2-year period during which time each student has opportunities to co-lead the class. In addition, there is ongoing involvement in a focusing partnership. In our focusing community, the trainers, and trainers-in-training, meet monthly to discuss each student’s individual needs, program development, as well as all other activities, concerns and needs in the community.

The FOT program is a minimum of one additional year of training with a focus on treating trauma and addiction. The requirement for entry into this program is a graduate degree in psychotherapy training. In addition, there is ongoing individual supervision of cases.


Recent Publications (5 years or less):

Jan Winhall (2014). Understanding and Treating Addiction with the Felt Sense Experience Model of Treating Addiction. In Greg Madison Editor, Emerging Practice In Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy, Innovative Theory and Applications (178-193). London: Jessica Kinsley Publishers.