Dr. Árpád Kántor


Certified Focusing Trainer

Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator

Personal Statement

I am working as a therapist in private practice with individuals, from youth to seniors. Extensive experience working with psychosomatic issues, youth and adult survivors of childhood trauma and single incident trauma, counselling people on life skills, anger management and career issues. I am mainly using focusing-oriented psychotherapy setting, combining it with other body-oriented methods and technics.

I am teaching Psychology BA students at the Psychology Institute of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest, Hungary since 2010. I am mostly leading experiential courses about the Focusing method and about basic therapeutic skills.

I lead trainings and workshops, mostly on Gendlin’s Focusing Method and Psychobox for about 8 years.


Office 1: Budapest, Hungary

Public Contact Details:

telephone: +36703880223

website: http://fokuszolas.hu/

email: knarpad@yahoo.com

Languages: Hungarian, English, Romanian

Professional Details:

Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:

– The Hungarian Psychological Association (MPT)
– Hungarian Association for Body Psychoterapy (HABP)
– The Focusing Institute (TFI)
– European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP)

Academic and training qualifications:

– Clinical Psychologist
– Psychologist (MA)
– Somato-psychotherapist (EEPSSA)
– Relaxation and Symboltherapist (The Hungarian Association of Relaxation and Symboltherapy)


Therapeutic services:

o  Individual psychotherapy/counselling
o  Individual Focusing sessions (guided Focusing, not ongoing therapy)
o  Online/Skype sessions

Areas of special interest or advanced training:

– Trauma work
– Psychosomatic diseases
– The psychology of homelessness
– Psychological Homelessness

I offer training groups to learn Focusing (open to the public) and I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals)


o I offer training groups to learn Focusing (open to the public)
o I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals)

Details of these and any other services:


Recent Publications (5 years or less):

Kántor, Á. (2019). Psychological research on Homelessness: The relation between psychological and external Homelessness. Psychologia Hungarica Caroliensis, 2019(3), 80–112.


Permission:     *I give permission for my information to be listed, and for people to contact me using this information