Tine Swyngedouw


Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator

Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Certified Focusing Trainer


Personal Statement

This is what I love about Focusing: Being connected with my inner world and helping people to find that inner connection with themselves, and live from there.
I have been practicing Focusing and working as a psychologist and experiential psychotherapist since 1990. I offer individual psychotherapy for  adults, supervision and training to become a Certified Focusing Professional.


Office 1: Leuven, België

Office 2: Skype

Public Contact Details:


website: https://efocusing.be/

email: tine.swyngedouw@efocusing.be

Languages: Nederlands, English

Professional Details:

Registered Psychologist & registered Clinical Psychologist in Belgium
Member of the Belgian Psychologists (BFP)
Member of the Flemisch Association of Clinical Psychologists (VVKP)
Member of the Flemish Association of Person-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling (VVCEPC)
Member of Focusing Vlaanderen (FV)
Member of European Focusing Association (EFA)
Member of The International Focusing Institute (TIFI)
Member of the Dutch Association of Psychosocial Oncology (NVPO)

Academic and training qualifications:

Master Clinical Psychology (KULeuven 1990)
Postgraduate Client-centered-Experiential Psychotherapy (KULeuven 1993)
Focusing trainer and Focusing-Oriented Therapist (The Focusing Institute, Chicago, 1995)
Certifying Coordinator (The Focusing Institute, N.Y., 2012)
Certifying Coordinator for Children Focusing (The Focusing Institute, N.Y., 2015)


Therapeutic services:

o  Individual psychotherapy/counselling
o  Individual Focusing sessions (guided Focusing, not ongoing therapy)
o  Online/Skype sessions

Areas of special interest or advanced training:

Trauma, depression, grief, burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome, fybromyalgia, cancer and


o I offer individual sessions for people to learn Focusing (open to the public)

o I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals)

o  Consultation and Supervision for psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors

o  I offer training for organizations and teams

Details of these and any other services:

I offer training in Inner Relationship Focusing, Interactive Focusing, Focusing & quality of life and existential well-being, Experiential Creative Work, Focusing & writing, TAE/Thinking At the Edge.


 Recent Publications (5 years or less):

Swyngedouw, T. (2022) Focusing: Leven in verbinding met je innerlijk kompas. Tielt: Lannoo https://www.lannoo.be/nl/focusing

Swyngedouw, T. (2022) Cliëntgericht-experiëntiële psychotherapie bij kanker of een chronische ziekte: werken aan levenskwaliteit via het experiëntiële lichaam. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 52(2), 171-179.

Swyngedouw, T. (2019) Focusing. Je lijf als bron van innerlijke wijsheid. In N. Cardinaels & L. Goossens (red.) Ruimte maken voor lichaam en geest in therapie (pp. 94-98). Leuven: Acco.

Swyngedouw, T. (2019) Experiëntieel Creatief Werken. Het verbinden van de lichamelijke wijsheid met het creatieve proces. In N. Cardinaels & L. Goossens (red.) Ruimte maken voor lichaam en geest in therapie (pp. 99-103). Leuven: Acco.

Swyngedouw, T. (2019) Interactive focusing als voorbeeld van RELIFO (Relating, Listening and Focusing instructions). Tijdschrift Persoonsgerichte Experiëntiële Psychotherapie, 57, 1, 11-22.

Swyngedouw, T. (2018) TAE – Thinking At the Edge. Tijdschrift Persoonsgerichte Experiëntiële Psychotherapie, 56, 3, 153 – 166.

Swyngedouw, T. (2015) Helping children (and adults) to find their inner home. The Folio, a journal for focusing and experiential therapy, XXVI, 1, 137-144.