IAFOTs Membership
The International Association of Focusing Oriented Therapists is a professional group of certified Focusing Oriented Psychotherapists. We are a subset of the overall international Focusing community.
Most of us have years of immersion in the philosophy and practice of Focusing-oriented Therapy. All FOTs listed have completed a specialist post-graduate/post-registration level training to become TIFI certified in this approach. We offer psychotherapy as well as individual Focusing sessions and Focusing training for the public and other professionals.
The IAFOTs itself does not offer certification, registration, or licensing of therapists or Focusing teachers. Certification of Focusing-Oriented Therapists is currently offered by The International Focusing Institute upon the successful completion of a substantial training coordinated by experienced FOTs most of whom are also Certifying Coordinators of TIFI. Of course it is also possible to take stand-alone workshops in FOT that do not necessarily lead to certification, purely for professional development.
To join the IAFOT website, you must be:
- Registered as a counsellor/psychotherapist/psychologist (or mental health professional) in your local jurisdiction
- Completed a full FOT training and be TIFI certified as a FOT
If you fulfil this criteria, please join the discussion list and post a message asking for the submission link (see how to join the discussion list below). You will be asked to send practice details and a photo. Do not use the contact form page on the website.
Members of IAFOTs can participate in a discussion list with participants who are interested in Focusing approaches to therapeutic practices. The discussion list is mostly made up of counsellors, psychotherapists, art therapists, social workers, and psychologists from around the world, but it may also include academics, researchers, philosophers and Focusing teachers interested in the therapeutic potential of Focusing and its wider philosophical underpinnings.
Upon subscribing to the list, you will receive an email confirming your subscription and stating the guidelines. Please read these carefully, and upon agreement, we welcome you to the IAFOTs Discussion List. Then email the discussion list and request the link to submit your practice information and photo to the site. The contact form on the site is NOT for submissions to the site, only for questions about IAFOTs.