Dr. Mia Leijssen
Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator
Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist
Certified Focusing Trainer
Personal Statement
In 1980 I attended a focusing workshop with Eugene Gendlin. I had the chance to be a client in a demonstration session with him. This experience was a turning point in my life. I came in touch with a bodily felt wisdom that was so much richer than anything of which I had until then encountered in my work as clinical psychologist and client-centered psychotherapist.
I made my doctoral dissertation on Focusing and became full professor at the university of Leuven, where I teach until now experiential psychotherapy.
I love my work as a psychotherapist, because that experience is a necessary source of inspiration for my teaching and writing, and most of all it keeps me in touch with my inner source.
Since 2009 I have also an international online course on counseling in existential wellbeing. http://www.existentieelwelzijn.be
Office 1: Belgium, Leuven, Tiensestraat 102
Office 2: Belgium, Keerbergen, Bosduifweg 9
Office 3: Online/Skype
Public Contact Details:
telephone: +32-(0)16-32 60 73 or +32-(0)16-53 31 18
website: http://ppw.kuleuven.be/klip/medewerkers/leijssen/mia-leijssen en http://www.existentieelwelzijn.be
email: mia.leijssen@ppw.kuleuven.be
Languages: Dutch, English
Professional Details:
Professional memberships with licensing or registering bodies:
Vlaamse vereniging klinische psychologen
Belgische federatie psychologen
Client-gerichte experiëntiële psychotherapie
Academic and training qualifications:
Klinisch psycholoog
Client-gerichte experiëntiële existentiële psychotherapie
Doctor in de psychologie
Hoogleraar in de psychotherapie KU Leuven
Therapeutic services:
o Individual psychotherapy/counselling
o Individual Focusing sessions (guided Focusing, not ongoing therapy)
o Online/Skype sessions
Areas of special interest or advanced training:
Existential wellbeing
o I offer training in Focusing-oriented Therapy (for professionals)
o I offer training for organizations and teams
o Consultation and Supervision for psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors
Details of these and any other services:
Recent Publications (5 years or less):
I have published a lot since 1983. On the university website there is an overview and many direct links to my publications. http://ppw.kuleuven.be/klip/medewerkers/leijssen/mia-leijssen